Well, the show went from its best episode to its worst so far. The premise of this one is that Selina is nervous that the President will dump her for another VP candidate when he runs for re-election. I know that can happen; has it ever? Not in my living memory, but I guess odds are it has at some point. Anyway, she’s particularly worried about Danny Chung, a charismatic senator that’s also a war hero and a successful author. So, she goes on Meet the Press and accidentally makes a disparaging remark about Chung into a mike she thinks isn’t hot and it leaks online, of course. I liked the “accidental remark into a hot mike” aspect; that’s happened to SO many pols, including, of course, our current VP, that it really had to happen eventually on the show. But, frankly, I was expecting the episode to be much more un-PC than it was. I was hoping for one of those really crazy “horrible racist” things to happen, but the remark is much more benign than I expected and that kind of downgraded the episode in my eyes. I mean, what she says about him isn’t legitimately shocking, just an error in the facts about Chung that’s kind of rude. I just feel they could have done a lot more with this premise than they did. The ep still has a couple of funny scenes. When Amy and Tony go to Selina’s house to pick her up for the Meet the Press interview, they accidentally/purposely overhear her talking to her boyfriend in a very sexual way, of course. Chlumsky and Hale just really do phenomenally funny reactions in this scene; they’re simultaneously curious, disgusted and fascinated. Anyway, other than that bit, this episode is basically a wash. It gets my lowest ranking yet. Very average episode. Recommended against. 2 stars.
tl;dr – series that has been very un-PC in its presentation of politicians oddly pulls its punches in this episode; toothless and dull. 2 stars.