Icarus with the wings . . . it was Icarus who . . . never mind.
Another quite mediocre episode, though it’s at least better than the last one. Paul Adelstein starts to really make an impression as the slimy Leo Bergen and it’s always good to see George Newbern back though I fear that misuse is coming his way. Other characters act very much out of character; Quinn’s quickly (lol) going from a favorite to an . . . unfavorite? Lisa Kudrow has a pretty good interview scene here, unfortunately the only decent moment she gets in her entire four episode run. But on the whole, this one interested me very, very little. 1 ½ stars.
tl;dr – a few nice moments from supporting characters, including the only good thing Lisa Kudrow gets to do on the show, can’t rescue this lame and uninteresting episode.