Giant Bombcast
Studio: Giant Bomb
Category: Video Games
What It Is
The staff of video game based website Giant Bomb discuss video games in a rambling conversation.
Technical Details
It’s a weekly show. Episodes can run upwards of two hours, so plenty of content. The iTunes archive goes back to 2012; for older episodes, there’s always the official site.
What About It
Giant Bomb is a pretty beloved podcast among a lot of gamers and I’ve really taken to some other gaming podcasts, so I was looking forward to this. Unfortunately, I didn’t find that it really measured up particularly well. It isn’t an awful podcast by any means; the folks at Giant Bomb know their stuff and they have interesting topics. But it just lacks real personality in my opinion, something that you tend to find in video game podcasts (4Player Podcast; CAGcast; Indoor Kids; Rooster Teeth). I mean, I can tell you about the people in those parenthetical podcasts, sometimes to the degree of knowing alternate hosts if the main hosts aren’t around. I listened to several episodes of Giant Bomb and none of the people on the show really came to life for me. It’s been a few days since I listened and I’m having trouble remembering them. Beloved podcast; maybe I’m missing something or maybe it’s not there to be missed. Either way, this one’s solid in a lot of ways, but lacks the spark that gets podcasts top marks from me.
2 ½ stars.
Essential If
You find the intense personalities of most video game podcasts overwhelming.
Avoid Like the Plague If
You’re still traumatized by that time you said “bomb” in an airport.
Best Entry Point
It’s a news show of a type, with discussion of new video games and related topics. So just hit the latest one.