This Oscar-nominated animated short played before The Good Dinosaur. It’s . . . OK. I think the main selling point is the fact that it’s about Indian characters and the Hindu religion, not something that one typically finds in animated shorts. Or, well, let’s be frank in any kind of mainstream movie or television show. It’s well-done, of course, being from Pixar. It’s about a father and son; the father wants his son to be interested in Hinduism but the kid just wants to watch his super-hero cartoons, until he has a vision of a battle between three Hindu Gods and an evil spirit. So, now Hinduism is his new super-hero cartoon. The animation is good, particularly in the vision section of course. On the whole I’d call this one just OK; I mean, it’s predictable and would, in my opinion, be of no interest at all if not for the Hindu elements. 2 stars.
tl;dr – Oscar nominated animated short is notable for focusing on Indian characters and the Hindu religion, but not for much else. 2 stars.