Studio: The FTL Crew
Category: News & Politics
What It Is
People of various extreme political positions take calls and discuss current issues.
Technical Details
Free Talk Live is one of the most prolific shows I’ve encountered on this journey. They put out at least two hours of content every single day, including weekends & holidays. The iTunes page has the most recent 250 episodes. Archives on the show’s website actually go all the way back to 2006, if you’re into a deep dive.
What About It
When I say extreme political views, I’m talking about everyone from ultra-conservatives to libertarians to conspiracy theorists. Some people on this show don’t believe in the concept of a state. They’re political protesters and provocateurs and they take calls from regular people. When the show is popping, it’s fantastic. There’s a rotating stable of hosts and if the mix is right, the show can be electric. If the hosts disagree, then it’s a world of fun; likewise, if they get a lot of calls from nutters, the show is incredibly entertaining. Often, however, it’s a couple of hosts who basically agree on most things and two hours of no one calling; these episodes are basically soporific given the whole radio thing of recapping every segment. And, of course, you will find at least a couple of the hosts here obnoxious I’m sure; it’s a staple of talk radio. It’s a solid show, not consistent and often pretty extreme, but occasionally really fun.
2 ½ stars.
Essential If
You’re looking for a call-in show where people actually know what they’re talking about.
Avoid Like the Plague If
You can’t stand arguments.
Best Entry Point
I’m gonna go with one from last year. The guys on the show decide to discuss a meme, related to Bernie Sanders as memory serves, that states that Jesus was a socialist. This leads them, necessarily, to one of the main statements Jesus made in relation to government: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” They talk about other stuff on the episode, but they keep coming back to that scripture and really dissecting it culturally, historically, politically, etc. in order to really express their own thoughts on what the scripture means. It’s a fascinating discussion.