Fat people don’t even vote. They can’t even be bothered to get out of the house, you know? No food in the voting booth.
This episode finds Selina and crew headed to London for the WWI anniversary and it’s a real corker. Christopher Meloni is even better in this episode as the muscle-headed Ray, Selina’s personal trainer, who causes a stir when it’s discovered that he’s made incredibly inflammatory remarks about obesity online. There’s a scene with Gary Cole and Meloni that is pure comedy genius. A running subplot of Mike attempting to write a genuinely beautiful speech for the WWI service is hilarious as well. And kudos to Darren Boyd in a brilliant guest turn as a British politician. His scene with Kevin Dunn and Matt Walsh after the WWI service is a masterclass in understated, but still hilarious, comedy acting. It’s rare for a guest player to come into a series as idiosyncratic as Veep and just instantly get right on the show’s wavelength, but Boyd is phenomenal. Kudos to Tony Hale, who’s even better than usual in this episode. I don’t mention him much because he’s so consistently brilliant that I kind of forget how hilarious he is, but he’s really spectacular in this one. God, this show; the critics were right – this is the best season of the show so far. This is our third four-star episode in a row, you guys. 4 stars.
tl;dr – trip to London invigorates the already brilliant season to the level of real masterpiece; the cast is particularly brilliant here, including a couple of great guest turns. 4 stars.