Studio: Jim Ver Steeg
Category: Society & Culture
What It Is
The host discusses issues and events related to the gay community with various guests.
Technical Details
This show went belly-up in 2013, but iTunes still has the archive of almost the entire run: 100 episodes starting with episode 23. Episodes run anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour depending on the topics at hand.
What About It
This is going to sound kind of bad, but this is the most serious of the gay podcasts I’ve come across on my journey. Basically all of the other gay podcasts have featured various groups of gay guys (and occasionally [read: once] a gay woman) sitting around and trying to be funny (and, on a few of them, succeeding). But this is a quite serious show. Ver Steeg is dedicated to discussing actual issues related to gay life/culture, whether it’s some larger political news-story or some pretty niche web-movement or the big ideas behind those things. The show is, for this reason, sometimes pretty dry, but silly, comedy-based shows can sometimes be over the top or annoying, so I’m fine with a little over-dryness from time to time. (That’s what she said). Anyway, this show tends to not hold up that well as a show you’d go back through the archives of; a lot of it is extremely topical and those kind of shows only hold up when the topical material is used as a way to springboard into larger philosophical issues and this show only does that occasionally. If it was still running, I think the show would be very interesting listening these days; I’m sure these things are out there, but there’s certainly a place for a serious podcast dedicated to getting into topical issues related to gay life. Too bad it’s defunct. As it stands, it’s a show with an archive that isn’t particularly interesting listening years after original release.
2 stars.
Essential If
You’re receiving your podcasts through a magical mailbox at your lake house.
Avoid Like the Plague If
You had brunch one time . . . ONE TIME
Best Entry Point