In this episode of the series, our stalwart detectives investigate a spate of bizarre accidents plaguing the London music hall scene. They’re mainly just embarrassing; none of them have been fatal . . . yet. This episode had a really obvious solution and a lengthy section in a sort of underground music hall where the performances are more . . . adult is pretty cheesy. Patsy Rowland gives a really marvelous comedic performance in a supporting role as a woman who’s interested in Cribb in more ways than the usual. A scene of the two of them in her bedroom is hilariously funny. This one’s mostly just fine, not great, not terrible, just fine. 2 ½ stars.
tl;dr – episode set in the tawdry world of London’s music halls is OK and not much more than that; a couple of hilarious scenes with actress Patsy Rowland. 2 ½ stars.