Half Size Me
Studio: Heather Robertson: Health, fitness, weight loss, & self-acceptance coach
Category: Fitness & Nutrition
What It Is
Writer-blogger shares lessons, tips and coaching on weight-loss based on her own experiences.
Technical Details
Episodes tend to run fifty minutes or so and come out once a week. The iTunes page has the most recent 200 episodes. If you’re looking for more (and, yes, there are more, about a hundred more actually), hit up the website.
What About It
This is a solid show, even though I’m not in the target demographic. Robertson is a compelling host who obviously knows of what she speaks and there’s typically a guest on every show. The show covers different topics, like the fundamentals of working out or eating healthy, but the major focus is on the psychological aspects of overcoming poor eating habits and such things. Expect a lot of talk about emotional support and self-sabotage and learning to love yourself. This is all very pop psychology, but I think there’s a lot of truth and value to it in terms of the idea that much of the battle to get your body into shape has to do with getting your mind and emotions into shape. It’s a likable show, but it doesn’t really have much in the way of transcending its genre.
2 stars.
Essential If
You could, in fact, half-size yourself and still be alive.
Avoid Like the Plague If
“Learning to love yourself” would only make you lose weight because it makes you want to throw up.
Best Entry Point
Check out the newest one.