The Voice of one crying in the wilderness All Religions Are One
All Religions Are One is from the same period as There Is No Natural Religion. Scholars disagree on which came first, but it seems to me that it would make more sense from Blake’s perspective to do No Natural Religion before this one. Not that I’m a scholar. Anyway, like that one, this one features a very small amount of text that was heavily illustrated in its original publishing and, though facsimile editions are hard to come by, the images are available online. The proposition here is obvious. Blake sees all inspiration coming from a Poetic Genius; since all humanity is alike in almost every way, he sees that there is only one Poetic Genius, not a different one for each race or group of people – ergo, all religions are simply approaching the same goal and flow from the same source. He does elevate Christianity and Judaism as being closer to that goal/higher in inspiration than the other religions, so make of that what you will. 2 ½ stars.
tl;dr – Blake’s illustrations add immeasurably to brief tract on inspiration and the origins of religion. 2 ½ stars.