This is the brief animated short shown before Disney’s Moana. It’s one of the worst ones I’ve ever seen. It’s the story of a guy who has a boring office job and he is constantly bored and denies himself pleasures like talking to that cute girl at the beach and eating about a dozen pancakes. But we get to see all of his interior organs as they struggle, you know, the heart leaping about wildly when it sees the cute girl, his stomach convulsing when he sees the pancakes, you know. Of course, he decides to live life fully by talking to the girl, eating the pancakes and leaping into the ocean on his lunch break. I guess I like the fact that the cartoon posits that he’s going to keep his job and just be happier while working and have more of a life outside the job. That seems like a better message than if he had just quit his job. Also, he and the cute girl have kids? I mean, I guess it’s not Blue Umbrella bad, but it’s definitely worse than that dreadful Lava short from last year. And that’s just unfortunate placement; the Lava short would have at least been geographically consistent with Moana. Anyway. 1 star.
tl;dr – dull animated short executes a passable premise to mediocre results; as Disney shorts go, among the worst.