So, this Pixar short played before the Incredibles 2 movie and it’s about an Asian woman who makes a baby out of dumplings and then it comes to life. And that’s when it gets weird. No, but seriously, I really hated this and I kind of hate to get into the middle of all this, because there was backlash surrounding this short being pretty bad and then that got turned into a thing where if you didn’t like the short you were a racist and then it was all about how the short was super deep because it was metaphorical and if you didn’t like it, it was because you didn’t know what a metaphor was and, well, anyway, things got pretty heated. I know, things got heated on the internet. Who saw that coming? Just to be clear. I understand the metaphor of the short; I get that it’s about a mother missing her son. I mean, yes, I understand that, but honestly that just makes it even weirder. I mean, it’s about a woman who subconsciously wants to eat her son because he’s dating a white girl? It would be less weird if it was just randomly about a dumpling that comes to life frankly. I mean, look, it’s Pixar; it has some cute moments in it. But that’s about all? Yeah, that’s about all. Okay, it’s about Asians; that doesn’t make me a racist if I hate it. And it has metaphors; that doesn’t make me an idiot if I hate it. Leave me alone. This short is bad, so cool your jets. 1 star.
tl;dr – absurdly divisive Pixar short is has stirred up controversy; at the end of the day, though, it’s just bad. 1 star.