The series adapts The Adventure of the Clapham Cook as a two parter. It’s the story of a wealthy woman who is befuddled when her excellent cook just up and vanishes one night. So Poirot’s on the case because, you know, a good cook is nothing to be sneezed at. This isn’t the most intricate mystery Christie ever came up with or anything, but this is a good adaptation. It takes the character of the wealthy woman from the short story and really amps her up into this hyperactive, super-aggressive character and goes for pure comedy like the series hasn’t in quite a while. For the first time in a while, you can really feel the anime tropes in this episode because of that character and so this episode has the most energy of anything in the series so far I’d say and the most personality of anything in quite a while. You may already kind of have this one figured out before part one is even over, but you’ll still be having fun. 3 ½ stars.
tl;dr – a more comedic tone, a really great and quirky supporting character and high energy elevate this rather middling story into a really fun episode. 3 ½ stars.
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