The bulk of this episode revolves around Fleabag “helping” Claire by catering an event at Claire’s job and in true Fleabag fashion, it opens with a “farting in the elevator” joke. Sian Clifford is really great in this episode and, as always, the chemistry between her and Waller-Bridge really crackles. Kristin Scott-Thomas has a great cameo as a hard-charging businesswoman. Kudos for bringing back a great running gag from the first season with the reintroduction of the statue. And then, of course, we end up with a great scene between Fleabag and the Priest just to make sure the episode is great all the way through. This might be weaker than the other season 2 episodes, if I’m being honest. The writing doesn’t entirely weave the threads together in this episode maybe and the introduction of the fox concept is not done particularly well. But I’m nitpicking only because the show is so often utterly flawless. Most sitcoms would kill for an episode this good; it’s not up to the ridiculously high standards of this series, but it’s still extremely good. 4 stars.
tl;dr – a great guest appearance by Kirstin Scott-Thomas and some of Sian Clifford’s best work so far elevate this episode, which is not quite as tightly or perfectly written as Fleabag usually is. 4 stars.