This episode, an adaptation of The Tape Measure Murder, a story I wasn’t really familiar with, finds Mabel taking a much needed rest back with her Aunt Marple in St. Mary Mead. I mean, she did just help track down a serial killer, survive a machine gun battle on the English Channel and face down an Egyptian curse. But even in quiet St. Mary Mead, there’s been a tragic murder and Ms. Marple is pretty sure the dead woman’s husband isn’t guilty. I liked the slower pace of this story after the adventure tone of the previous . . . jeez, eight episodes, I guess. It even spends a little time with the widower and how he and Ms. Marple bond over his gardening. It’s a solid episode, a nice breather after the sillier and more fast-paced episodes we’ve been getting for a while now. 3 stars.
tl;dr – a slower-paced, more character based episode is a nice breather; the best so far of the Marple episodes. 3 stars.
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