Okay, so here’s one more bonus feature from the Insomnia Blu-Ray, last one I promise. This one is around fifteen minutes and it focuses on the fog chase sequence, which I somehow did not even mention in my multiple paragraph review of the movie, a sequence that’s just a pure Nolan set-piece. The short consists of behind the scenes footage while the audio is by Nathan Crowley, production designer for Nolan on all of his films except Following & Inception, and Wally Pfister, Cinematographer for Nolan on everything from Insomnia through The Dark Knight Rises. This being Christopher Nolan, none of this stuff was really done on a stage, nor was any of it digitally enhanced. The rocky beach was a for real location and the crew actually manufactured the fog for real and blew it over the beach with giant fans as the actors, including Pacino himself, and crew really did just dash around madly on wet rocks while hardly able to see. But, man, I think it was worth it; it’s a great sequence in the movie. And this short ends with what feels like a quintessentially Nolan filmmaking moment: the camera captures an actor disappearing into the fog, closely followed by Wally Pfister, staggering around with a huge camera on his back and right behind him is Nolan himself, swallowed up by the fog. Dashing into the unknown, right on the front lines, chasing his muse right into the fog. 2 stars.
tl;dr – behind the scenes feature focuses on the crafting of the magnificent fog chase scene from Insomnia, complete with real fog. 2 stars.