Studio: Aesop
Category: K-12
What It Is
Aesop’s frigging fables. Are you an idiot?
Technical Details
Podcast is defunct, no longer producing new episodes. The archive contains twenty-one episodes; average length of an episode is around two to three minutes. Lo-fi; no music, sound effects, dramatics, just a couple of people taking turns reading fables.
What About It
Great concept, but a really disastrously bad podcast. Since it’s defunct, I went back and downloaded several episodes from the archive, after seeing that it won a Best of iTunes award one year. Why it won, I have no frigging idea. A few points here. 1. The episodes are way, way too short. Copious downloading for what feels like not much content. 2. When the show was running, the pace was absurdly slow. We’re talking about a show with two minute episodes that only managed to put up ONE episode A MONTH (with a month skipped every now and then). How frigging hard is it to throw a guy in front of a damn microphone and have him read for two minutes? Adam Carolla gets an hour and a half up five frigging times a week. 3. We’re talking up to four fables to a single episode. They don’t even take the time to really tell the fables; more like a set-up for the fable. Yes, Aesop’s fables were short; not this short. 4. This is for kids? Child, please. No kid would listen to this. Two year olds can play Angry Birds now, guys; none of them are desperately seeking for podcasts of Aesop’s fables. 5. This is nitpicky, but this is actually from and they apparently have no idea how to list their credit on iTunes, leading to this podcast being credited to Aesop, who, as you might recall, was not the most tech-savvy guy in the ancient world and thus never did, in fact, have a podcast.
Essential If
You have the attention span of a rabid squirrel on speed but somehow still care about moral principles.
Avoid Like the Plague If
You are a right-thinking, sensible individual who has the right priorities in life.
Best Entry Point
If you’re bound and determined to listen to this, just who the **** cares? Just throw a dart at the screen.
0 stars. Absolutely forbidden.
Next time, it’s the podcast with the longest episodes so far. Few of podcasts we’ve talked about so far go over an hour and a half. But next time, it’s a video game podcast that never runs less than two hours. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Or do they? We’ll see, next time.